The Highway series was developed to handle the most demanding power requirements and accessories. With the Highway 22 you have maximum flexibility in fuse box placement, and the freedom to customize your vehicle however you’d like. Each system comes with complete, easy to understand instructions, all the necessary wiring to construct a complete chassis harness and the most durable and adaptable fuse panel in the industry.
Power is distributed through stout 6 gauge buss bars, and self-locking “Hooke's Law” clamp connections make sure your final terminations stay in place for the life of the car. Ample lengths of pre-labeled GXL wire make it simple to create custom routing specific to your needs.
Each Highway 22 panel includes dedicated feeds for standalone fuel injection systems along with battery and accessory feed studs to allow for straightforward installation of high-demand accessories or smaller sub panels. This means in addition to ease of installation, your kit also has plenty of room to grow with your project.
Additional Features Include:
- A 175 amp Mega Fuse for system protection
- Built in 40 amp electric fan relay as well as turn signal and horn relays
- Gauge cluster disconnect system
- Headlight, ignition and floor dimmer switches
- GM style steering column connection kit
- Accessory sub harnesses for wipers, heat/air conditioning and radio
- Optional long wire extension kit for trunk mounted panels
- Complete installation instructions
- The best technical and product support in the industry
Panel dimensions are 7.5” L x 4.5” W x 3.125” H