Looks like a stock cluster with just three gauges, but in fact there are six readings! The tach, oil pressure and voltage are made up of hidden LED bars, only visible when the key is on. A large TFT message center is front and center while the rest of the system looks straight out of 1957. Fits into your original cast housing; chrome rings available separately, as is the matching RLC-57C clock.
The RTX series is the latest from Dakota Digital, focused on retaining that stock look without sacrificing the late-model features you love. Every effort has been put forth to incorporate OEM design elements regarding the layout, face styling and indicators. A casual glance may dismiss these as original equipment, but once you hit the switch and the LED backlighting comes on in your favorite color scheme, all doubts will be removed.
Starting from scratch, CNC machined housings are filled with electronics designed and built in-house, helping Dakota Digital once again raise the bar for aftermarket instrumentation. The high-definition TFT message centers can be fully configured to display just about any piece of information needed. As you’ve come to expect from Dakota Digital, the RTX series utilizes a central control box to make installation and setup as easy as possible. Click the tabs below for a more in-depth look at the RTX series!
Analog Gauges
·0 -120 MPH (optional metric version 0- 240 kmh)
Water Temperature
·100- 260ºF (optional metric version 40- 120ºC)
Fuel Level
·E, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, F
Digital Bar Graph Gauges
·0- 8,000 RPM
Oil Pressure
·0- 80 psi
·9- 17 VDC
Digital Message Centers
Standard Displays
·Odometer (One time user settable, Million Mile)
·Dual (A/B) Trip Meter (0- 9,999.9)
·Clock (12 hour)
·Estimated Range/ Miles to Empty
Performance Meters
·0- 60 MPH Timer (0- 100 kmh)
·1/4 and 1/8 mile time
·1/4 and 1/8 mile end speed (trap speed)
·High speed recall
·High RPM recall
·Turn Signals (Left/ Right)
·High Beam
·Check Engine
·Parking Brake
·Cruise Control (On/ On & Engaged when vehicle is equipped)
·Gear Position (Optional GSS-3000 sensor required)
·4 x 4 (When vehicle is equipped)
·Wait to Start (When vehicle is equipped)
·Two Auxiliary input indicators with user-programmable labels
·Each analog gauge sweep contains a red LED indicator for quick notice of a warning condition (except speedometer)